Searching For Unseen


Pratilipi says Searching for Unseen
But how can you search for Unseen?
You search for that only, which
You have earlier seen.
You can look for that only,
Which you have experienced.

If there is such a search, the
The search is not for only unseen
It is mostly for that, that is not
Realised, felt, enjoyed.

When we search a pen, a s
We search for thing we misplaced.
Or something we need, desire,
And don't have. But not unseen.

When we search for a job,
We know it exists around us,
Our friends, competitors, mates,
They get it, so it exists, felt, seen.

When we search for Unseen,
We look for it beyond horizon.
Look beyond the sky, beyond,
Beyond everything known, read about
Beyond the science, far, too far,
Far from the madding crowds,
Away from the monetary systems,
Away from the planets.

We search for someone who is
Omnipresent, beyond birth and death,
Beyond the things, is The "No Thing",
Beyond the body and flesh, the crowds.
Behind the brick and mortar,
Beyond the satellites and cycles.
But still is everywhere, unseen
Is unfelt, speaks only in the silence.
Utterances to be heard in silence,
The silence of the sufferer, silence
Of the silent helper, of the calm seas.

We search for the one whose voice
Resonates in the nature, in the ears.
The ears of few, very few who hear him.
The hands of few feel him, whose he holds.
The eyes of few do see him, those who
He chooses to reveal himself.

And the God is never seen, he remains
The Unseen, Seen in fellow human.
And we, realise very late, we met him,
In a jiffy, at a moment, we needed him.
We needed honestly, and he answered,
He held our hands, he blessed us,
And vanished. Unseen, unfelt.

Anup Mukherjee "सागर"


Know Thyself. Only You know yourself through you internal Potency