Past Present & Future


P1:-Once a famous film producer said that when we make a particular film based on a fact though sometimes that fact seems to be fiction or producer's wild thought but that fact must have occurred somewhere.

P1:- Similarly if u are talking to stars thinking them to be ur close relatives - it implies that it is a fact and not fiction but your conscious mind which works on logic doesn't allow you to accept this to be a fact.

P2:-In fact we have to go beyond logic to listen to our sub-conscious mind and not let allow conscious mind to over-power it. The two have their respective roles in our lives

P1:- When we deny something, we do it because we don't understand it terming it to be illogical or irrational but if we try understanding it without applying logic as understood by us, particularly those which are not visible to eyes. At that level we can experience more.

P2:- It is a matter of experiencing a fact and not understanding it.

P1:- Moody, Weiss, Semkiw etc are pioneers in their fields and their studies have much more convincing powers than those which meet to the eyes.

P2:- The concept of Prarabdh, the brought forward balances of negative karma, is something we always hear and mention. We have to believe in them.

P1:- Where I stumble is that if our all activities are decided by the previous karma. To say, when there will not be a carry over from this life, then it will be moksh.

P2:- And if there was brought forward karma then the previous life was not that predetermined as the next one

P1:- It is not only negative karma but positive karmas are also brought forward and both manifest in our lives - sometimes simultaneously and sometimes in isolation.

P2:- For such questions I am bit hesitant to place full reliance on this concept but would like to use the concept for bringing some peace of mind

P1:- Because all karmas are not balanced in one life we go on taking births and are not free from this cycle.

P2:- I don't deny role of positive karma. Even in my case the quantum of respect which I received from many without benefitting them in any big way is something due to positive karma, might be brought forward Karma.

P1:- That's why it is said that in the present life do good karmas so that after balancing of previous negative karmas if there remain some they can also be wiped out.

P2:- It is said that till two years a child remembers his previous life and thereafter the things start getting messed up because we start getting exposed to surrounding.

P1:- Whenever a child used to die in a known circles when we were young Dadi (grandmother) used to say that the child has come to recover some small debt. After recovering he has gone back

P2:- I also heard that, though some used to write it off saying it was only a sort of consolation process.

P1:- And in cases where somebody is forced to serve another for almost full life we say hope all debts are cleared in this life.

P2:- It is said that the Almighty is not in a hurry to let you off from birth cycle. It will go on and on  until we experience the reality.

P1:- These are things beyond physical science. Why we suddenly create relations with unrelated persons is sometime drawn to previous lives and sometime to our thoughts and behavior in current life.

P2:- In fact past life regression is a good method to know things which are troubling us in the present life. But in our country it is quite costly and also it is not sure that the person whom we have approached is competent also.

P1:- I know a real story where a partner was cheated by the other. The cheated partner took birth in that partner's house as son and remained so ill that everything was to be spent for his recovery but he couldn't be saved. In his dying stage son told that I am the cheated partner and I came for a short period just to make you destroy you financially.

P2:- Yes these kind of incidents are said to take place. In such cases the two compartments of our mind get into conflict. One is searching for physical science and other is believer in supreme power

P1:- Use conscious or logical mind to discriminate between good and bad but subconscious mind for  supernatural matters which are beyond logic. But the best option is not to apply logic when not required.

P2:- Best is if u experience yourself. For that u start believing with non-fluctuating mind i.e. faithfully.

P1:- Yes, Faith can create wonders.

Anup Mukherjee "Sagar"

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Know Thyself. Only You know yourself through you internal Potency