God! Give us Peace

 God! Give us Peace

Some very close, some very respected persons have left us in this 2020. Some still quite young, some may not be so young but all unexpected, unforeseen departures. Some more of us might leave! Who? None knows.

It reminds me of two stories. 

One, all religions talk of end of world, and we know of Pralay or the day of the massive deluge when none might be left to carry on story of the mankind.

2nd, at the end of Dwapar yug, Pandava started walking towards their end, the Heaven, all siblings and their followers. However, the accompanying persons started falling dead on the way one by one on their way leaving Yudhishtir alone.

We all are walking in the steps of the time, covering days, weeks, months and years as envisaged by God towards the reunion with the God. However who is to meet the God when, only He knows.

Just pray, those near and dear ones whom we are losing on the way, let All gather in peace at the altar of the ultimate Reunion, the Blessings I seek for all, the friends, the foes, alike.


  1. The year 2020 started with a sad news of one of our colleague leaving us, and since that day it had not stopped. It's almost year end and we are hearing every now and then news of friends/colleagues leaving us for heaven. Pray to God that wherever they are let them be happy and God be with them.๐Ÿ™

  2. We must keep on moving in life and not get stuck on place with one situation, life is short and so many things and opportunities waiting ahead.


Know Thyself. Only You know yourself through you internal Potency