Border : Honour It


Border- the word always brings to our mind the demarcation line between two countries. Borders of countries can be disturbed like Pakistan with its neighbours; peaceful like US and Canada: or moderate like India Bangladesh. Birds, wild animals, air and flowing water do not have to bother about borders.

But we, the citizens have to honour the borders. If not, then we land in difficulty. People do cross borders without documents, but those crossings are illegal, or as shelter seekers, when their lives are in danger in their own country, they flee.

Even within a country, people have to honour borders, when doing interstate sales, the crossing of state border is always a cautious place.

The borders of houses should also be respected. You cannot enter your neighbour's house to sleep.

Besides the geographical and political borders, their are fuzzy borders, borders of relationships and demarcation of duties and responsibilities. You cannot go beyond them in offices, and families.

If you decide to revolt against your elders, take it for granted that your youngsters will do the same thing to you.

You show disrespect to your boss in office, your junior will do the same thing to you.

So friends, always respect borders, relations or land, whatever it is.

Anup Mukherjee "Sagar"

1 comment:

  1. Very well said n so true, people don't realize sometimes how these things works against them self


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