Clause vs Clause vs Claws



This word confusion is without malice. 

Santa comes with a clause. 

Same with all legal enactments, laws, regulations, agreements, they have millions of clauses.

Santa's clause doesn't deliver anything. The parents though deliver presents and gifts to kids spending out of own pockets.

Clauses of legal documents also do not deliver anything except confusion. Now, if you are not a legal personality and somehow get trapped in the web of clauses you have to engage and hire a legal mind. I bet you cannot find the start and end of these clauses.

An Act of parliament has chapters, then sections. Then subsections, then clauses, sub-clauses, provisions, explanations. The fun is that the provisions and explanations have their own clauses. Many clauses just say that the section will not be applied to selected cases, further clauses mention that the previous clauses of exceptions will not apply in certain exceptional circumstances. And you will end up reading and repeat-reading, losing the focus as to which clause will apply and which will not.

So when you are enjoying Santa Clause, beware of Clauses in legal papers.

Then, you have to be cautious about claws also. Though the two sound same, at least in Indian English, it opens up another territory. Normally you think of claws of animals, birds, lobsters, crabs even an insect-like scorpion. Yes, have to beware if these if you are in their neighbourhood. But there is more of it, and you might be buying that from the store. Yes, equipment used by a carpenter or plumber will certainly have claws.

But beware of getting caught in 'Claws' of a powerful person. Well, what kind of power, that is for you to define

In fact, whenever I hear of Santa Clause, it is only the Clauses of many legislations that flood my mind.

Anup Mukherjee "सागर"

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